• Welcome to Mrs. Harvey's 1st Grade Teacher Page!

  • Mrs. Harvey

  • Contact Info:

    Fastest response will normally be through ClassDojo messages.

    My email: mharvey@tidehavenisd.com

    School Number: 979-843-4340

  • Hello families!  I am the first grade reading, language arts, and social studies teacher at Markham Elementary. 


    I have been an elementary teacher at Markham Elementary for going on 17 years.  I have taught third, second, and first grades, and I love working with kids! I am married and a mother to two daughters, an eighth grader and fifth grader.


    If at any time you have questions or need help with something, please don't hesitate to contact me.  The fastest way is through ClassDojo.


    I know we will have a great year working together with you to help your children learn and grow!

  • Schedule

    7:30  Doors open

    7:30  Breakfast Begins (free for all students)

    7:50  Tiger Roar (Students leave the gym and enter classrooms)

    7:50-8:15  Lunch Count, Pledges, Announcements

    8:15-10:00  *AM Class (homeroom)

    10:00-10:45 Specials: Music (Mondays), PE (Tues/Thurs/Fri), Library (Wed)

    Teacher Conference Time

    10:45-11:00  Morning Recess

    11:00-11:15  Restroom, Clean Up for Lunch

    11:15-11:45 Lunch (free for all students)  

    11:45-1:05 *PM Class

    1:05-1:45 Tiger Time

    1:45-2:05 Afternoon Recess

    2:05-3:25 *PM Class time continued

    3:30 Dismissal


    *We have two first grade classes. Mrs. Brewer will teach Math and Science.  Mrs. Harvey will teach Reading, Language Arts, and Social Studies.  We will switch classes during the day.

     *We have a built-in tutorial period during our day called Tiger Time (or Tier Time) when the students are broken into groups and given small group help and practice on skills they need.  Their group may change during the year depending on their needs.

  • Contact Info

    Teacher: Michelle Harvey

    School Phone Number: 979-843-4340

    Email: mharvey@tidehavenisd.com

    Website: www.tidehavenisd.com> Markham Elementary School


    Your child’s red take home folder will keep our weekly newsletter, lunch/breakfast menu each month, and the Conduct Chart for each six weeks, and sometimes other papers from school.

    We use ClassDojo to communicate with parents. You can sign up through the ClassDojo app. We will send home sign up instructions if needed. Please always feel comfortable contacting us if you have any questions or concerns during the year.  We are here to help you and want your child to succeed!  The fastest way to contact us is through ClassDojo messages or email, but you can also send a note or we can set up a phone or conference as well.  We look forward to working with you!

  • Discipline Plan

    We use a clipboard to track student behavior during the school day.  We use a Green, Yellow, Red system.  Green=Great Day, Yellow=Warning, Red=Student had several warnings and chances to correct their behavior.

    If your child moves their clip once (yellow), it is considered a “warning” and only five minutes of recess will be lost, with a conduct mark written on the Conduct Chart for you to read and initial.  If behavior does not improve that day or is unacceptable, the clip will be moved to red, and the student will miss the next whole recess as well as receive a conduct mark written on the Conduct Chart for you to read and initial.

    Our class clipboards will start over each day, and their Conduct Charts will start over each six weeks. The Conduct Chart will be kept in a clear pocket in your child’s folder. Please do not remove them.  You only need to initial if a conduct mark is written, not every day.

    Please check the Conduct Chart daily, and always feel comfortable communicating with us if you have a question or concern.

    Please note: Serious offenses such as stealing, fighting, bullying, cheating, defiance or refusal, etc., result in an automatic office referral and “U" in conduct, which makes students ineligible for honor roll, UIL, field trips and other rewards.

  • Important Classroom Info

    To help protect all of our students and staff, please do not send your child to school if they have shown symptoms of being sick (fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive cough, etc.). If unsure, call the school before sending your child and ask to speak to our nurse.

    Your child's backpack should only contain items necessary for class: folder, lunchbox, jacket, etc. No toys.

    We also ask that you please disinfect your child's backpack, lunchbox, jacket, etc. regularly.

    We will sanitize student desks, chairs, ipads, and other commonly used items/areas in the classrooms daily before we switch classes to help reduce the spread of illnesses.

  • Just F.Y.I.

    Important Times:

    -Breakfast starts at 7:30, Tiger Roar (Students come to class) at 7:50, Tardy bell rings at 8:05, Attendance is taken at 10:00, and school ends at 3:30.

    Breakfast & Lunch:

    -Breakfast and lunch are free for all students.

    -Snacks will be available for purchase at lunch.

    -Menus are sent out once a month. If you need an extra copy just let us know. Please make lunch choices at home ahead of time. Students will not be allowed to leave class to call home for a lunch.

    Personal Belongings:

    -Please write your child's name on all of his/her belongings (backpacks, jackets, supplies, etc.). This helps cut down on lost items at school and the cost of replacing them. Also, this year we will not share supplies when possible, so labeling will help with this process as well.


    -Birthday cupcakes/snacks are allowed, but please let us know ahead of time so we can plan ahead for it.  The best time for them is at the end of the lunchtime when we go out to recess.


    -All students Pre-K through 5th grades are dismissed at 3:30. Please make arrangements ahead of time for how your child is to get home each day, & make sure your child understands the plan. Phone calls during the day disrupt learning and cause confusion to your child.

    **Let's keep your child happy, safe, & sound**

    Thank you for your cooperation!